Tales from the Trenches w/Renuka Sastri Pt.1

Rajiv Menon:

Welcome back to episode 8 of 2m2x, our weekly series around digital transformation, sponsored by Informulate. Today, I'm gonna be sharing with you a summary of experiences, insights, and recommendations from my second interview of the series. This time with Renuka Shastri. She's a highly experienced tech leader who's been in charge of digital transformation efforts, cross departmental efforts, and customer experience transformations transformations at AAA and XSL. In our 37 minute interview, we cover a host of topics that have a wealth of information.

Rajiv Menon:

So click the link below to access the full recording as well as to link to some of the resources and tools she mentions. Some of the topics we covered were how to understand customer needs and actions in a structured way, pulling together a multifunctional team that touches the full customer journey, and how to ensure that all business functions come together in this collaboration. We also discovered how digital transformation is really more about people than tech. We need to understand the customer human element, but also the internal human element of our own organizations. Creating alignment between silos is a major barrier, and you need to develop your own techniques to be able to navigate and enroll team members and leaders from across the enterprise.

Rajiv Menon:

Renuka shares a story about how she walked around the building with a single sheet of paper she created that mapped out the entire product landscape and called out the overall objective as a means to generate alignment quickly in any meeting she went to. The other aspect of navigating any transformation is to first acknowledge and communicate that it's not a project, but a long term commitment to change. Agile, iterative approaches, and learning need to be the cultural norm, and top leadership needs to be committed to that. If you are a leader on a journey towards digital transformation, this interview has a lot of real world insights. So go check it out, and I will see you next week.

Creators and Guests

Rajiv Menon
Rajiv Menon
CEO of Informulate, Founder of Orlando Innovation League
Tales from the Trenches w/Renuka Sastri Pt.1
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